United Way Healthy Teens is a free educational program that introduces students to the importance of health and well-being. It includes the daily delivery of the Electronic Edition of USA TODAY to participating classrooms and access to:
Article Library
The USA TODAY health and wellness article library provides students with relevant real-world information on health and well-being. The articles help students gain background knowledge before beginning their service learning project or after the project to extend learning.
Reading Guide
Researched-based reading guide to be used in conjunction with any article in USA TODAY’s e-Edition or any of the articles in the libraries.
Student Service Learning Project
The service learning project is designed to encourage students to research United Way’s key health strategies (“Supporting Healthy Choices” and “Healthy Eating and Physical Activity”) from personal and community perspectives and to create a presentation explaining the impact of their discoveries. They may choose to enter their presentation into a competition for the opportunity to win an award for their school.
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