United Way
United Way is a worldwide network in 40 countries and territories, including more than 1,200 local organizations in the U.S. It advances the common good, creating opportunities for a better life for all by focusing on the three key building blocks of education, income and health. United Way recruits people and organizations who bring the passion, expertise and resources needed to get things done. LIVE UNITED® is a call to action for everyone to become a part of the change. For more information about United Way, please visit: http://www.unitedway.org/
More than 15 years ago, United Way of North Carolina and the ACC joined forces in the first ever collegiate advertising campaign focused on student athletes giving back to their local communities. Today, the campaign has grown and features athletes from the 12 ACC conference schools as they LIVE UNITED through volunteer work in their local communities. Learn more at http://www.theacc.com/page/UnitedWay
USA TODAY Charitable Foundation
The USA TODAY Charitable Foundation proudly supports and builds alliances that enhance innovative, instructional programs and community outreach by providing the resources to promote opportunities and inspire all. The Foundation has established educational programs to provide timely, relevant information to integrate into todays classrooms. Instructional resources are designed to reach out to young people and to connect them to the real world by heightening their awareness of the communities in which they live. For additional information about the USA TODAY Charitable Foundation visit: https://www.literacyworldwide.org/about-us/foundation
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